Misconception about islam pdf persiangiga

As part of dawah work to mankind to understand islam, answers to frequently. Top ten misconceptions about islam islam the modern. Akhtar austin, texas islam has been largely misunderstood in the west. Misconceptions about islam the cultural center for foreigners call 4 some nonmuslims believe that the prophet muhammad peace be upon him is the prophet of arabs only37 christians claim that the prophet muhammad peace be upon him. My advice, start with mohammed, once you know mohammed you know islam. There are more indian muslims than arab muslims, and more indonesian muslims than indian muslims. Islam and the so called nation of islam noi are two different religions. To download the entire book entitled a brief illustrated guide to understanding islam in pdf format, rightclick on the link below, then in explorer choose save target as, and in netscape choose save link as. In addressing this misconception, it is interesting to note that no other religious scripture claims to be the direct word of god almighty in total as clear and as often as the holy quran. Top 10 misconceptions about islamtop 10 misconceptions about islamin the words of swiss journalist and author, roger du pasquier the west, whether christian or dechristianised, has never really known islam. Many historians admit that the spread of islam among the christians of the eastern churches, was mainly due to a feeling of dissatisfaction. The american misconception of islam research paper 1099 words.

One of my sons said, it was a good thing no one was close by or i would be taken for a terrorist getting ready to strike. The status of women in islam is the most misunderstood aspect of the religion. Chapter 65 the divorce, verse 4 in the quran speaks about divorcing a woman, specifying the consummation of marriage, i. They choose this for their own personal and religious beliefs. This is to clear up the misconceptions in the minds of the non muslims who often claim they know about islam but in reality dont. Muslims must engage in jihad, also known as holywar this misconception was a huge buzzword right after 911 and still does come up every now and then. Islam calls for the protection, defense and the support of the oppressed peoples of the world, by removal of root causes of oppression and exploitation. In fact bahaism is not islam just as farrakhanism is not islam.

Misconceptions about islam the cultural center for. Dispelling common misconceptions and stereotypes about islam. Apr 01, 2014 misconception about islam, questions raised in the mind of people slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Muslims consider this group to be just one of many cults using the name of islam for their own gain. Misconceptions about islam quran learning for kids and. Would millions of people all over the world embrace islam if it was a harsh and inhumane way of life. Islam promotes peace but at the same time, it exhorts its followers to fight oppression. When a gunman attacks a mosque in the name of judaism, a catholic ira guerrilla sets off a bomb in an urban area, or serbian orthodox militiamen rape. I will be seeking truth by highlighting muslims men and muslimas ladies, in the community and world and organizations that love islam. Read about malcolm x in relation to this misconception, where he found the true islam, realizing that.

A range of misconceptions about what sharia actually means and how it relates to national law in muslim countries, both in theory and practice, has contributed to foreign policies that are confrontational rather than pragmatic. Who stands to gain from perpetuating such misconceptions and untruths. Refuting misconceptions about marriage in islam dr saleh as saleh audioen july 10, 2016 by in. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he has saved the whole of humanity. The fastest way to prove that this is completely false is to state the fact that only about 15% to 20% of the muslims in the world are arabs. Islam gives women separate legal rights as individuals. Misconception 1 muslims do not share good and noble values with non muslims. Human rights in islam and common misconceptions realities. Common misconceptions jihad the sacrificed struggle. With the growing number of people around the world who support one antiimmigration policy or another citing fear of socalled islamic terrorism and national security as main reasons for their choices, and with the growing threat of terrorism from groups that use islam as a cover, i believe there is also a parallel growing need for clearance of misconceptions about islam, because if it. Islam a brief overview of the history of islam the origin of islam is placed around 610 ce when muhammad, a highly spiritual and religious man who spent months in praying and self contemplation in a secluded cave near the town of mecca, is thought to have received divine messages. Stereotypes about muslims range from insults about terrorism to misunderstandings about the meaning of. Misconceptions about islam quran learning for kids and new. The system of islam nidham ul islam taqiuddin annabahani hizb uttahrir translated from the arabic edition for exact meanings of words and sentences, please refer to the original arabic book nidham ul islam.

Muslim groups and leaders are constantly denouncing terrorism. Have you researched about islam yourself, as opposed to what you have heard from others and the media. Islam was never imposed by sword or by force, but it got into the hearts of people out of longing and free will, due to the talents of stimulation and captivation of peoples hearts, lodged in the quran. Islam totally prohibits terrorismthere is no text that endorses that, says ameena jandali of the islamic networks group, a californiabased nonprofit, which provides education about islam and promotes respect for all faiths. This is the biggest misconception of islam, given unfairly by stereotyping and the public image that the media gives. According to the almanac book of facts, in the past decade islam increased 235 per cent. Islam is the name of a way of life which the creator wants us to follow. It is another common misconception among some nonmuslims that islam would not have the millions of adherents it has all over the world, had it not been spread by the use of force. Top 10 misconceptions about islam top 10 misconceptions about islam in the words of swiss journalist and author, roger du pasquier the west, whether christian or dechristianised, has never really known islam. A historian of islam explains the greatest misconception. This paper aims to clarify three current misconceptions about the islamic faith and issues of human rights and womens rights in the west. Alaa murabit what my religion really says about women strong faith is a core part of alaa murabits identity but when she moved from canada to libya as a young woman, she was surprised how the tenets of islam were used to severely limit womens rights, independence and ability to lead. Islamic law is structured to remove any oppression and exploitation according to rules of enjoining the right, forbidding the.

Dec 11, 2007 i have an interesting question that was posed to me. We avoid the word religion because in many nonislamic societies, there is a separation of religion and state. Dispelling common misconceptions and stereotypes about islam not all muslim women wear a veil. Ever since they watched it appear on the world stage, christians never ceased to insult and slander it in order to find justification for waging war on it. Thankfully, this one, despite being one of the biggest wrong impressions people had about islam, is now in decline thanks to more honest portrayals in some media outlets. Aug 26, 2015 muslim women throughout history and in the contemporary world have contributed to civilization as scholars, legal jurists, rulers, benefactresses, warriors, businesswomen, poets, mystics, among endless positions. The following proofs will make it clear, that far from being forcefully spread by the sword, it was the inherent force of truth, reason and logic that was. Islam has set down certain rules, the most merciful and considerate to people, and required people to observe them. Refuting misconceptions about marriage in islam abdurrahman. In no particular order, here are some common misconceptions about buddhism held by many people around the world plus the actual facts of the matter.

Muslims worship a new god called allah if anyone murders an innocent person, it will be as if he has murdered the whole of humanity. Common misconceptions and stereotypes about the middle east. This is the biggest misconception in islam, no doubt resulting from the constant stereotyping and bashing the media gives islam. The fat laughing buddha is intended to represent gautama buddha, the founder of buddhism. The buddha and the socalled laughing buddha are not the same person. Noi is more of a political organization since its members are not limited to a single faith. As a result, anything said about religion in the media i will not listen to. Refuting misconceptions about marriage in islam dr saleh. The attack on the world twin towers and the pentagon in 2001 d. Although islam is the fastest growing religion in the west, the west has many stereotypes and misconceptions about islam that are due to the media, prejudice, and ignorance. Robinson, an historian on islam, author of islamic civilization in thirty lives, and president of the cuny graduate center, explains the greatest misconception that people, specifically. In contrast to what many westerners think of islam, islam is a peaceful religion, which does. Misconceptions false claims commmon questions asked by non.

In the us, a recent poll determined that 100,000 people per year are converting to islam in america alone. In fact, the whole question of permissibility of plural marriages in islam is tied to a given mans ability to deal unjustly with all his wives in terms of his time and wealth. Misconceptions of islam and muslim life see beyond the prejudice, stereotypes and thoughtless hate with these talks about the muslim faith. Misconceptions false claims commmon questions asked by. Ten misconceptions about islam misconception 1 misconception 2 misconception 3 misconception 4 misconception 5 misconception 6 misconception 7 misconception 8 misconception 9 misconception 10 in this article, we will try to clear up many of the misconceptions that are prevalent about islam. According to the quran as well as the sayings of the prophet muhammad, women enjoy an honorable status. This research and policy note identifies key features, problems. I am fatima melim, i will like to let every know that there is a true and real spell caster out there and he has helped me in so many way just a few days since i came in contact with him through the help of my good friend who introduced me to him. The reasons can be traced back to the era of the crusades.

The american misconception of islam recently, it has been approved by a community board that a mosque will be constructed by the american society for muslim advancement two blocks from the site of the once prominent world trade towers in new york. Misconception about islam, questions raised in the mind of people slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. It is factually the case that islamic teachings stress the value of peace and prosperity for all human beings. In deciding upon what to make of islam, remember this. Jul 10, 2016 refuting misconceptions about marriage in islam dr saleh as saleh audioen july 10, 2016 by in.

Pamphlets recommended for general distribution to nonmuslims. Chase robinson, a historian of islam says the greatest misconception about muslims is that they share a single set of fixed attitudes on the law and politics. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. For example, a muslim is not allowed to harm or kill those in a peace treaty with. Misconception 3 islam permits terrorism the media generally portrays any muslim who fights as a terrorist, regardless of whether they fight justly or unjustly, or whether they are oppressing others or being oppressed. Salafi audio, marriage, misconceptions about islam, all tags.

In relation to the theme of terrorism, a word that is thrown around quite a lot is jihad or in description of terrorists that use islam as a cover, jihadists. The religion of islam the origins of islam introduction 1. Wtc 7 3rd tower collapse on 911 facts dedicated to those who died on 911 and those who died in afghanistan due to 911. For every male convert to islam, four females convert. A guide to better understanding a foreign religion. It is a function of islamic law to protect the privileged status of minorities, and this is why nonmuslim places of worship have flourished all over the. Misconception muslims are violent, terrorists andor extremists this is the biggest misconception in islam, no doubt resulting from the constant stereotyping and bashing the media gives islam. In war, the targeting of innocent noncombatants is a.

Even during times of war, islam lays down strict rules. Debunking misconceptions about muslims and islam teaching. That all muslims are terroristsviolent or islam preaches violence. Muslims must engage in jihad, also known as holywar this misconception was a huge buzzword right after 911 and still does come up every now. Islam is a religion of peace, which is acquired by submitting ones will to the will of the supreme creator, god. All muslims that are working to spread islam and give the. Jan 30, 2011 the american misconception of islam recently, it has been approved by a community board that a mosque will be constructed by the american society for muslim advancement two blocks from the site of the once prominent world trade towers in new york. Believing that islam is only a religion for arabs is a. Islam is one of the worlds largest religions yet it is also one of the most misunderstood. Islam permits war but keeps it within the limits of mercy at which the twentieth century civilization has not yet been able to arrive, not even to come near to. Global media islamophobia and its impact on conflict. Love, as it is known in the west, is not a prerequisite for marriage in islam.

Muslim women throughout history and in the contemporary world have contributed to civilization as scholars, legal jurists, rulers, benefactresses, warriors, businesswomen, poets, mystics, among endless positions. In war, the targeting of innocent noncombatants is a despicable act which islam clearly prohibits. When a gunman attacks a mosque in the name of judaism, a catholic ira guerrilla sets off a bomb in an urban area, or. Most countries in the middle east do not require their women to cover their hair or their face. Islam is often looked upon as extremist, terrorist, or fundamental religion. The first misconception is that muslims are terrorists because they believe in jihad.

Islam is a religion that promotes violence and terrorism. I have an interesting question that was posed to me. One such evening we were driving home when, overawed by the beauty of the sunset i cried out allah akbar. Common misconceptions about islam by dr zakir naik. Misconception 1 muslims do not share good and noble values with nonmuslims. People say that islam teaches its followers to kill unbelievers they have taken a quote out of context find and slay the unbelievers whereever ye may find them this as i have learnt was in reference to people being. The vast majority of converts to islam are former christians. May allah god reward special favors to all of them including those striving. The fight against oppression may, at times, require the use of force, and sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace. Comparatively few people can recall that there was a third massive skyscraper, also a part of the world trade center, whic. Islam is a religion only for arabs of the two billion muslims worldwide, only 15% to 20% are arabs.

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